Workouts and WordPress

You can’t make it to the gym every day. Maybe you are prone to tight shoulders or a sore back. Your mind might wander to these issues or any others while you are trying to focus and get some work done- slowing down your whole day! I want to introduce the WordPress community to the world of Pilates and help them to increase productivity, improve their posture, reduce stress, and mitigate pains that come along with staying in one position for long periods. There are some simple exercises that can be done at your desk (standing or sitting- whichever you prefer) to help you have a low stress, productive, painless day.

Let’s get moving!

One of my goals for the fitness side of my life is to develop a program to help the good folks of the WordPress community to feel better while they work. The only thing I need is a group of people willing to exercise and help me generate the optimal program by sharing the experience with me.

By the time of the talk there will be a sign-up page on my website for anyone to participate in the development stage of this process. It will be free and offer instructional videos, text reminders to move, and periodic email communication to check on the impact of the movement.

