Protecting your DATA, Using Criminal Profiling Techniques to evaluate potential Espionage and Spy activity.

We talk about protecting data. We talk about outside forces seeking to obtain our data by unconventional means.

I will speak about PROTECTING or DATA that is stolen from trusted individuals within.

We will focus on their psychological motivations, to identify the emotional precursors. Combining open-discussions, media, and PowerPoints, to illustrate, cultural adaptation, borderline personality disorder, psychological autopsy, precursors to ESPIONAGE, and SPYING.

The presentation will give participants innovative insights to conduct psychological field profile/assessments and verify potential risk factors. This presentation will outline the mental aspects regarding a Data Breaching and possible prevention Data Loss.

In today’s world of CYBER-RISK and CYBER-SECURITY, we sometimes forget about the individuals, or dare I say SUSPECTS behind the BREACH, ATTACH or THEFT. We neglect these individuals until it is too late, and the damage has been done.

Individuals such as:

EDWARD J. SNOWDEN The media hails him as a “whistleblower,” but MR. SNOWDEN stole DATA belonging to the NSA and disseminated said data to individuals with unauthorized access.

William Binney (NSA) •Jose Ignacio Lopez (GM) Chief of productions accused of corporate espionage. •Steven Louis Davis (Gillette) Pled guilty to theft of trade secrets

Patricia Dunn (Hewlett-Packard) Involved in a spying scandal

Ross Klein and Amar Lalvani (Starwood Hotels) downloaded confidential Starwood information to use later at Hilton.

