Speaker Spotlight: Ian Wilson

ian-wilsonIan Wilson is the Creative Lead at Build Create and will be presenting “If I Knew Then What I Know Now” at 10:15am on Saturday, October 15 in the West Conference Room.

Why do use WordPress?

Easy to work with, easy to develop for, easy to customize, easy for the end-user to use. WordPress provides me with a highly functional and extensible canvas upon which to build whatever my clients need! And of course the community is beyond amazing!

When and how did you start using WordPress?

I started using WordPress in 2006 for a personal site. I wanted a blog with a portfolio, and I knew I had to figure this whole PHP CMS thing.

What would you tell someone to convince them to attend a WordCamp?

If you intend to ever develop as a professional in any role within the WordPress system you need to go. It is the cheapest and easiest way to cram a ton of knowledge and wisdom into your brain. You will always leave inspired and informed! It’s a no brainer 🙂

Tell us about something awesome you’ve experienced at a WordCamp in the past.

One of my favorite WordCamp stories is from a security talk where the presenter showed us step by step how easy it can be to access a site that isn’t locked down. Changed my perspective on security forever, I still mention this talk…about any time I ever talk to anyone because it seriously changed my life.

Give an example of a cool WordPress project you have worked on recently.

What we’ve been doing and more lately is transferring people’s business processes into a WordPress powered workflow. That kind of custom development is so exciting because not only is it a challenge, it also has a ton of ROI for the client. This can mean complex event management, dispatch management, fundraising, all sorts of processes that of times have many moving parts that reduce the efficiency of the operation.

What is your favorite part of WordCamps?

My favorite part of WordCamp is giving a talk and seeing the different reactions from people.  Sage nods from the veterans, blank stares from neophytes, and eagerly raised hands from people who are right in the thick of it. And it changes every year!

What advice do you have for anyone looking to start or grow a WordPress based business?

Write your code the WordPress Way. Keep it simple, don’t go overboard and wind up with some crazy obfuscated spaghetti nest of code in the interest of writing high brow abstractions.

Tell us something awesome about yourself that is not WordPress related.

By night I am a struggling singer songwriter.

Name someone in the WordPress community that inspires you.

Gosh I have a few, and I can’t name just one!

Michelle Schulp is a great designer, talks about design exactly how I would, and is one of the best conference organizers the world has ever seen.

Tom McFarlin consistently writes posts that I learn from, I can’t say that about many people.

Pippin. Because Pippin, duh. We all want to be him when we grow up.

And of course Ross & Kyle because we are all in the Michigan WordPress trenches and are among the few people whose work I actually respect. They keep me on my toes!

What has been your biggest WordPress related accomplishment to date?

I made a theme, custom WordPress admin skin, and content builder package thing that has really helped accelerate pushing out beautiful responsive content. I love it every time I use it 🙂

How have WordCamps impacted you and your business in the past?

WordCamp helps me keep a finger on the pulse of the WordPress community and how it’s growing and evolving. It’s the benchmark I use to make sure I’m not burying my head in the sand over here 🙂

Fill in the blank for other attendees: “If you ___________ then you should come talk to me at WordCamp.”

Struggle with feeling confident in your work and your business.

What should someone learn before attending your talk at WordCamp Ann Arbor?

You’ll get the most out of it if you run a business, but anyone who has to deal with clients should already have all the experience they need to share in the laughter and tears.

What is your favorite WordPress related resource?


Where can we find you online?