Social to Selling: Connecting Social Media Marketing to Your eCommerce Platform

Most business owners miss the connection between their social media marketing and their eCommerce platform. Learn how to amplify traffic, increase brand awareness, engage more, create robust marketing campaigns and … (here’s the best part) … SELL MORE!

If you’re on a shoestring budget and have dabbled around with social media, AND you’re feeling frustrated, AND you feel like you just can’t make headway on driving traffic to your product pages, this presentation is for you! You’re among friends. Most business owners fall into this same bucket and take the same approach as you. They dabble. They push out some content every now and again. They struggle building any kind of momentum on social. And their frustration builds. This happens because nobody has ever taught them to look at the holistic relationship between individual social platforms and their website.

In this presentation, you’ll learn what constitutes a well-formed marketing campaign that drives traffic. You’ll learn the relationship between the psychology of your prospects and what drives them to a buying decision. Most importantly you’ll learn the tricks and traps of using your social platforms as a part of your overall marketing strategy.

