Get Found, Get Featured: Turning Your Site into a 24/7 Publicist

Many don’t realize it, but a website is an essential tool for media. The majority of journalists list the company website as their first stop when researching a story. A media-friendly website could be the deciding factor between you or a competitor being featured on that podcast you’ve been eyeing.

There’s an added bonus to the web not everyone enjoys: making your website media-friendly. Remember, advertising is what you pay for, public relations is what you pray for, unless your Apple.

A media-friendly website and online presence could be the deciding factor on whether you are chosen as an expert for a story or included in a piece of press. For most entrepreneurs and small businesses, there are several basic rules everyone should obey, in one form or another, to ensure your website boosts instead of sabotages your value to the media. This means abilities to get reviewed, quoted or, if you’re shooting for stars in the outer galaxy, a feature on you alone. In this session, we will take a deep dive on how to optimize your website for media and turn a site into a 24/7 publicist.

