Category Archives: News

CEO of 10up John Eckman will Keynote WordCamp Ann Arbor 2015


We’re very excited to announce that John Eckman the CEO of 10up will be the keynote speaker at WordCamp Ann Arbor 2015. 10up is one of the most well known and respected WordPress agencies in the country. They have 40+ WordPress core contributors on staff and produce great open source WordPress solutions like Varying Vagrant Vagrants (VVV.)

Previously to 10up John was a Managing Director at ISITE Design, a Senior Director at Optaros, Director of Application Development at PixelMEDIA, and held a number of different roles (across front-end development, software engineering, and user experience) at Molecular.

He also blogs at Open Parenthesis on many things related to work: open source, web design, and general internet culture stuff.

Stay tuned for more information about John’s keynote session.

First Round of Speakers

We have an exciting update about WordCamp Ann Arbor 2015! We’ve being researching, talking to and selected speakers and would like to tell you about some that are confirmed for this years WordCamp Ann Arbor.

Brian Hogg

Brian’s a custom software developer, WordPress trainer, podcaster and community supporter running multiple free events in the Hamilton Ontario area.

Rebecca Gill

Rebecca is founder and president of Web Savvy Marketing. She has as a well-rounded business background within SMB and enterprise organizations, as well as over fifteen years of experience in sales and online marketing. She provides one-on-one coaching, teaches group on-site boot camps, and speaks at various WordCamps throughout the country.

Angela Bergmann

Angie has been developing websites since 2000 and using WordPress since it was b2- in other words, a very long time. Additionally, she’s skilled in SEO, PPC, accessibility, and usability.

She is passionate about video games, web dev, cooking, public speaking, and german shepherd dogs. She’s responsible for the WordCamp website and is also a co-organizer for the local Northeast Ohio WordPress Meetup.

Sara Cannon

Sara Cannon is Partner and Creative Director at Range. She loves design, typography, user experience, and art. Sara loves giving talks around the globe on web design, responsive design, web typography, and more. A seasoned designer, Sara has done work for clients such as Disney Publishing and Flickr. She loves open source, her pets, traveling, and WordPress.

Adam Silver

Adam teaches A WP101 course, is the man behind ConciergeWP and runs the Southern California WordPress meetup.

Topher DeRosia

Topher has been using and developing for WordPress regularly since 2010. He’s used it to freelance, launch a successful startup company, work with an agency, and he currently works on Easy Digital Downloads.

Brian Richards

Brian Richards is the creator of where he dedicates his energy to providing the best WordPress education from the best and brightest WordPress experts. He has been working with WordPress since 2007 (version 2.3).

Over the years, Brian has helped develop custom solutions and web apps for hundreds of different companies, most recently including Disney, Nginx, Microsoft, and YMCA.

In everything he does with WordPress, whether it be building custom solutions or providing live training through WPSessions, Brian’s goal is simple: to help others be empowered by WordPress.

Now is a great time to purchase your tickets, last year we sold out early (twice!) Don’t miss this years event, it will be even better than the last time. Make sure to subscribe to the mailing list below to stay in the loop and be notified of other exciting updates.