We’re excited to announce our last round of speakers, including the keynote speaker for Word Camp Ann Arbor 2015!
John Eckman
John Eckman is the CEO of 10up and is the keynote speaker at WordCamp Ann Arbor 2015. 10up is one of the most well known and respected WordPress agencies in the industry. They have 40+ WordPress core contributors on staff and produce great open source WordPress solutions like Varying Vagrant Vagrants (VVV.)
Previously to 10up John was a Managing Director at ISITE Design, a Senior Director at Optaros, Director of Application Development at PixelMEDIA, and held a number of different roles (across front-end development, software engineering, and user experience) at Molecular.
He also blogs at Open Parenthesis on many things related to work: open source, web design, and general internet culture stuff.
Marguerite Halley
Marguerite has been working in digital content and design for universities and nonprofits through her entire career. As a digital content strategist at Washington University in St. Louis and a usability/content strategy consultant for nonprofits, she’s a champion for the user and an advocate for clear, engaging content on the web.
Mathew Clancy
Clancy began working with GoDaddy in customer support in 2005 and shortly after began building sites using WordPress for family and friends. Currently based in Phoenix, AZ he is a Project Manager for GoDaddy Hosting Support designing Hosting training and standing up international hosting customer support teams. In his free time he teaches becoming Agile, gaming, and watching his two children grow up too quickly.
Ben Cool
Benjamin Cool is the Application Optimizer at A2 Hosting in Ann Arbor Michigan where he focuses on building “one click” tools for improving Web application performance.
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Last year we sold out… twice! Tickets are going fast, over half of them have already been sold. Purchase your ticket today and make sure you can attend.